First Wednesday of Each Month
7-8 p.m.
Ad orientem (2016)
Ad resurgendum cum Christo (2016)
Built of Living Stones
Can the Communion Host (Body of Christ) be gluten free bread (2017)
Circular Letter (Congregation of Worship) to Bishops re Eucharist Bread and Wine (2017)
Circular Letter Concerning the Preparation and Celebration of the Easter Feasts (PASCHALES SOLEMNITATIS)
Receiving a Blessing during the Communion Rite (2009)
Vatican Ltr to Bishops on the Sign of Peace (2016)
A Catechetical Moment - EWTN and the Mass
Are there liturgical norms or requirements for a valid Catholic wedding
Arriving Early and The Four Ends or Purposes of Mass
Article, Appropriate Dress and Talking in the Worship Space
Article, Consecrate Bread for Mass Communion (no tabernacle use)
Article, Difference between Adoration and Veneration
Article, Fundraising Initiative (Amazon Smile) (2021)
Article, Guidelines for the Reception of Communion (USCCB)
Article, Holding Hands during the Our Father Prayer
Article, Holy Holy Holy
Article, How can a Low-Gluten Communion Host (the Body of Christ) be received during the Mass
Article, How Many Times Can a Person Receive Communion per Day
Article, What is the Immaculate Conception
Article, Infallible Teachings of the Catholic Church
Article, Intentions When Praying the Rosary
Article, Is there a Difference between Blessed and Holy Water
Article, Jesus calls Mary Woman
Article, Jesus uses word gnaw at the Last Supper
Article, Sacramentals and Devotions
Article, The Stillness and Silence of Mass
Article, Those unable to receive the Eucharist can have spiritual communion
Article, What does INRI mean
Article, What does it mean to be a Catholic in Good Standing
Article, What does Manna mean
Article, What is the Renewal of Baptismal Promises
Article, What is the Sacrifice of the Mass?
Article, What is Laetare Sunday and Passiontide
Article, What is the difference between a Lector and Reader and Acolyte and Altar Server
Article, Why are the EMHCs asked to not enter the sanctuary until the priest finishes receiving Communion (2021)
Article, Why do we need the Sacrifice of the Mass? What is it needed for?
Article, Why do we use bells in the Catholic Church?
Article, Why Communion on the Tongue is More Suitable Than in the Hand
Article, Why do we say God bless you when someone sneezes
Article, Why do we sign ourselves with the Cross before reading of Gospel
Article, Why do we use incense during the Mass (High Solemnities, etc.)
Bulletin Article, 10 Things We Might Be Doing Incorrectly at Mass
Bulletin Article, Catechesis on Liturgical Abuses
Bulletin Article, Catholic New Year Resolutions
Bulletin Article, Difference between Alleluiah and Halleluiah
Bulletin Article, Enter Under My Roof
Bulletin Article, Keeping Holy the Sabbath
Bulletin Article, Kingdom of God
Bulletin Article, Kyrie Eleison
Bulletin Article, Magi Why Frankincense and Myrr
Bulletin Article, Making the Sign of the Cross
Bulletin Article, On the Carrying and Use the Book of the Gospels
Bulletin Article, Origin and Use of the Confiteor Prayer
Bulletin Article, Penitential Act
Bulletin Article, Receiving Communion while holding a baby or other object
Bulletin Article, Say or Offer Mass and Mass Intentions
Bulletin Article, The Church and Suicide
Bulletin Article, The Proper Way to Receive Holy Communion
Bulletin Article, What does the Code of Jewish Ethics say about Gossip
Bulletin Insert, 5 Ways to Improve Our Prayer Life
Bulletin Insert, Ad Orientem
Bulletin Insert, Bring a (Eucharistic) Sacrifice
Bulletin Insert, Courage EnCourage and Same Sex Attraction
Bulletin Insert, Funeral and Estate Preplanning
Bulletin Insert, Is Applaud Appropriate During the Mass
Bulletin Insert, Mass Musical Settings
Bulletin Insert, Proposed Change to the Wording of the Our Father?
Bulletin Insert, Pro Populo Mass
Bulletin Insert, What constitutes a ministry in the Church
CNS Article, Status of Limbo (2017)
Divorced and Catholic FAQs
FAQs on Gender Identity Disorder and Sex Change Operations
Indulgences and Spiritual Life
Interreligious Prayer
Is it OK to leave Mass after Communion
Mass Intentions

Meaning and Signifance of the Jerusalem Cross
Offering vs. Oblation within the Mass
Penitential Act and Agnus Dei
Receiving a Blessing during the Communion Rite
Sanctuary Reverencing Article
Should a priest or deacon deliver the homily at Mass
The Confiteor and Striking the Chest
When Should We Bow and When Should We Genuflect at Mass
Why are the Gloria and Alleluia omitted during Advent and Lent
What are all the individual Rites that comprise the Universal, Worldwide Catholic Church?

Meanings of the Candles on the Advent Wreath
Article, Advent a Season of Preparation
Article, The Nativity No Room in the Inn
Article, The Twelve Days of Christmas
Article, What is the Origin and Purpose fo a Christmas Wreath
Article, What is the Origin and Purpose of a Christmas Tree
Article, What is the Origin and Purpose of a Poinsettia Plant
Article, When do the Twelve Days of Christmas start
Article, Who was really at the Nativity?
Article, Difference between Alleluiah and Halleluiah
Article, What is the meaning of the word Noel
Article, What is the origin of the Nativity Créche
Article, What is the origin of the early Christian Church's use of the symbol of a fish
Article, Where is the word Maranatha used in the Bible and what is the context

The Christmas Proclamation of Our Lord Jesus Christ from the Roman Martyrology
What is the spiritual meaning of Epiphany?
Epiphany is a feast that commemorates the mysterious arrival and visit of the 3 Magi from the East to the baby Jesus. It recognizes the manifestation of God in Jesus, and of the risen Christ in our world. It is a time for believers to consider how Jesus fulfilled his destiny and how Christians can fulfill their destiny too.
Ephiphany is the manifestation of Jesus as Messiah of Israel, Son of God and Savior of the World. It celebrates the adoration of Jesus by the three Wise Men (Magi), together with his baptism in the Jordan and the wedding feast at Cana in the Galilee. The Magi, representatives (presumed as Persian astrologists and members of the Persian priestly caste) of the neighboring pagan religions, the Gospel sees as the first-fruits of the nations, who welcome the Good News of human salvation through the Incarnation (the Word of God made flesh).
Epiphany is traditionally observed on January 6 by Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, and Christians of other Western traditions. Within the U.S., while not a Holy Day of Obligation, the celebration is moved to the first Sunday following January 1st. Eastern traditions that follow the Julian calendar rather than the Gregorian calendar celebrate Epiphany on January 19, since their Christmas Eve falls on January 6.
Article, What is the Epiphany of the Lord?
Article, What does the Bible say about the Wise Men?
Article, Why Did the Magi Bring Gifts

Info article, Reason for Ashes
Article, Why do we receive Ashes
Why do we celebrate Ash Wednesday

Everything You Wanted to Know about Lent
What am I doing for Lent this year
Article, USCCB Penance (Lent)
Article, USCCB Penance and Reconciliation (Lent)
Article, Lenten Stations of the Cross
Examination of Conscience (English)
Examination of Conscience (Examen de Conciencia) (español)
Examination of Conscience (10 commandments)
2024 Stations of the Cross Schedule (with post-meal menu)
2024 Holy Week Liturgy Schedule
2024 Lent-Triduum Bulletin Liturgical Reminders
2024 Triduum Information Bulletin Insert
Article, Why did Jesus tell Peter not to cut off the ear of the soldier
Bulletin Article, Ordo Triduum
Bulletin Article, Things to Do as a Family During Lent
Bulletin Article, What is the Paschal Mystery
Bulletin Insert (Lent 2023) (How to Forgive)
Lent Bulletin Insert (2023) (Season of Change)
Eighteen (18) Questions on the Paschal Triduum and Paschal Candle
Holy Week LTP Info Sheet

Article, Why do Christians carry palms on Palm Sunday

TRIDUUM (The Three Holy Days):
Does the Universal Church have instructions for Priests on celebrating the Holy Triduum and Easter?
Article, Why did Jesus tell Peter not to cut off the ear of the soldier
Article, Magi Why Frankincense and Myrr
Article, What is the Ordo Triduum

Article, Washing of the Feet
Holy Thursday Information Sheet

Article, Why Do We Venerate the Cross on Good Friday
Article, Veneration of a Cross or Crucifix on Good Friday

Article, What is so important about the season after Easter
Article, What does Easter mean in the Catholic Church

(Second Sunday of Easter, April 7, 2024)
2024 Divine Mercy Sunday Holy Hour Announcement
Pange Lingua Gloriosi (Himno - Latin)
Pange Lingua Gloriosi (Himno - Latin/English)